Incontri Uomo South West

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Identità personale

Age52 anni
qui aRelazione seria
Paese Regno Unito
City Cheltenham, South West
origine India
Stato civilesingolo
livello accademicoScuola superiore
JobRistorazione / Cibo

Il mio fisico e +

In cerca di femmina
Colore occhi marrone
Colore capelli nero
Tipo di corpo Alcune curve
Formato 165 cm
peso 63 Kg
Avere figli No
Vuoi avere figli No
Mosso dall'amore
La religionealtri

un po 'di me

I am a confident and responsible 50-year old single man, who can be friendly, serious, sensitive and exercise an occasional sense of humour from time to time, is also unvaccinated, shaved, friendly, easy-going, considerate and non-smoking; I only want to hear from those who are seriously interested in me and agree to most of my requirements vice versa. I like South Asian Indian food too and willing to try Russian/Ukrainian food, if I like the smell and taste. I can be nervous sometimes; I also have Dyslexia and Aspergers Syndrome (learning and social differences), which were both diagnosed late with some support in place but not enough. Have a good day :)!

Cosa mi aspetto dal mio partner

I want to establish a long-lasting and committed relationship with a young, easy-going, critical-thinking, open-minded, non-smoking, non-judgemental, intelligent, confident, non-drinking (no alcohol), unmarried and unvaccinated lady (aged 25 to 42) that is built on respect, understanding, empathy, compassion, love, friendship, trust, principles, integrity, care, sensuality, intimacy, and romance and also without any tattoos, no children from previous relationships and no pets. And I think that sharing the small pleasures of life with someone you love is the key to a truly happy relationship.I am seeking friendship and perhaps anything within with a single, regular, easy-going, loyal, non-smoking, unvaccinated female aged 25-42, who is unmarried, non-smoking and has no tattoos and no pets/dependents (no children from previous failed relationships). If you live in Northern America or in Europe (like I do), have children from a previous/failed relationship, smoke, drink alcohol, tattoos,

I criteri che dovrebbero essere rispettati

L'intervallo di età accettato è 24-29.
Voglio essere contattato solo dai singoli membri.
Sto solo cercando incontri seri.
Vorrei essere contattato solo da donne.
Non voglio essere contattato dai membri senza la foto del profilo.
Voglio essere contattato solo da questi paesi .

Conoscere me


Internet Sport Viaggi

Gusti musicali

Varietà Classico Pop rock

Sport preferiti

Ping-pong Calcio Altri


Ristorante Tra amici Shopping

Come animali domestici?

Non specificato

Bevi alcolici?


Cucine preferite

indiano Vegetariano

Film preferito

They Live, 1988

Canzone preferita

"Go on home British Soldiers",

Incontri Uomo South West



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